Centre for Digital Humanities


CDH/UB lunch seminar (hybrid) for teachers: DH resources in education

Event details

16 September 2024
12:00 - 14:00
Hybrid: Sweelinckzaal & Online

The Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) and Utrecht University Library (UB) are organizing a lunch seminar on Digital Humanities (DH) resources in education exclusively for humanities teachers. This session is designed to help you integrate digital skills for students into your teaching.

How can you successfully integrate digital humanities for students into your courses? How can you, as an educator, meet the new ‘digital literacy’ learning objective and trajectory (digitale geletterdheid eindterm en leerlijn)? And which DH resources are already available and free to use in your courses? These questions and more will be addressed in the interactive lunch seminar hosted by prof. dr. Hugo Quené, dr. Marie-Louise Goudeau and drs. Arja Firet. You can participate in this seminar either in person or online.

Virtually all humanities students, whether they pursue further studies or enter the job market after graduation, will engage with digital materials and tools. Digital humanities methods provide students with the opportunity to work with a wide range of digital sources, formulate cutting-edge research questions, work with large datasets and present their assignments in innovative ways.

During this session, the CDH aims to provide guidance and inspire educators regarding the possibilities of DH methods and strategies for their effective integration into teaching practices. The CDH is responding to the introduction of the new leerlijn digitale geletterdheid (digital literacy learning trajectory) which will be incorporated into all bachelor programs within the Faculty of Humanities. Consequently, starting from September 2024, the first-year courses will incorporate elements on the leerlijn digitale geletterdheid, and from 2025-26, this will also be integrated into the second and third-year courses.


Prof. dr. Hugo Quené, director of the Centre for Digital Humanities, will talk about the ‘Digital Literacy’ intended learning outcome (eindterm) and learning trajectory (leerlijn), and the reasons behind their creation. Why integrate computational and data-driven methods in your teaching? In doing so, he will also elaborate on the responsible use of AI in Humanities education.

Dr. Marie-Louise Goudeau and drs. Arja Firet, Education and Digital Humanities specialists at Utrecht University Library, will present an inventory of already existing DH resources for education available at the Utrecht University Library. These resources can be implemented into courses immediately and in doing so, may potentially ease some of the workload of lecturers.

Marie-Louise Goudeau shares:

“In close collaboration between the University Library, CAT, GSLS and humanties teachers, an e-module on GenAI is being developed for students and teachers that we will pilot soon. Moreover, the library is working on a guide on AI.”

In the final part of the seminar, attendees will break out in small groups to generate ideas and engage in discussions. Participants will have the opportunity to request and share advice, discuss potential obstacles and identify educational needs.

This seminar will be in English, but participants are welcome to share their questions and contributions in Dutch as well.


At the start of the seminar, lunch is provided in the antichambre of the Sweelinckzaal for participants who are joining the seminar in person. You can specify any dietary preferences you may have in the registration form below.


No preparation is required for this seminar. However, you are welcome to take a look at the inventory of Digital Humanities resources offered by the UB and at the CDH Staff Education Program from your discipline’s perspective prior to the seminar. You can also reflect on your experiences with or needs for DH tools and resources and consider what you would like to share.



  • Prof. dr. Hugo Quené (TLC) is the director of the Centre for Digital Humanities. He is professor in Quantitative Methods of Empirical Research in the Humanities and teaches courses on spoken language, research methodology and data analysis.
  • Dr. Marie-Louise Goudeau is education specialist at the Utrecht University Library and specialized in how to teach information literacy skills. She also develops a variety of tools, such as online modules on the ULearning platform.
  • Drs. Arja Firet is subject specialist (Digital) Humanities at the Utrecht University Library and liaison for the Digital Humanities team of the UB. She also supports (DH) teaching and research, and gives regular workshops in collaboration with the Centre for Digital Humanities.

The CDH team and the Digital Humanities Team at the UB are available for advice and support to integrate (DH) information literacy skills into your curriculum, for questions on our tools and workshops, and for the development of materials to (DH) support information literacy.

For whom?

Due to our funding, priority will be given to teachers of the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University for this seminar. If you are affiliated with a different faculty or institution but interested in participating, please register to be placed on a waiting list. Notification of available spaces will be sent two weeks before the workshop.


  1. In-person:
    Please complete the registration form below. Register early to secure your place, as spots are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
    If you find yourself unable to attend after completing registration, we kindly request that you cancel your registration by sending an email to cdh@uu.nl, allowing us to offer the spot to another participant. Thank you for your cooperation.
  2. Online:
    To attend the seminar virtually, complete the registration for the Teams webinar.