ILS Labs
The Institute for Language Sciences (ILS) Labs facilitate experiments on spoken and written language in the field of computational linguistics. Researchers make use of a wide range of experimental techniques to explore topics like language structure, language acquisition and speech processing.
In the Biosignal lab for example, EEG techniques are used to measure the electrical activity of the brain. In the Babylab, researchers look into the language acquisition and language developments of babies. In the Eye-tracking lab eye positions and eye movements can be measured. You can find a guided tour through the ILS labs here.

Humanities researchers & teachers
Institute for Language Sciences (ILS) Labs facilitate experimental linguistic research by:
- Providing consultation and training on psycholinguistic experimentation, data preprocessing and statistical analysis, for ILS faculty, postdocs and PhD candidates;
- Building and maintaining experimental setups;
- Providing lendable equipment for psycholinguistic research, e.g. for research using behavioral and bio measures;
- We provide (limited) support for BA and (R)MA student research in courses, internships and theses; please note that such student research is possible only when fully supervised by an adequately trained ILS-affiliated faculty member or postdoc.
The Centre for Digital Humanities teams are located around the Drift in the city centre of Utrecht. Click on the yellow dots on the map for address details of all our teams.
The ILS Labs are located at: