Centre for Digital Humanities


CDH hands-on lecture: Introduction to Data Ethics

Event details

21 November 2024
15:15 - 16:45
Digital Humanities Workspace
Drift 27 (Room 0.32), Utrecht, 3512 BR

During this hands-on lecture, Iris Muis, Lead Operations at Data School, will talk about data ethics and the Fundamental Rights and Algorithms Impact Assessment (FRAIA). The lecture will be followed by an interactive assignment that allows you to apply the knowledge you have acquired.

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, technology and algorithms have the potential to greatly enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness. However, it is crucial to navigate these advancements carefully, as decisions driven by algorithms can have profound implications for human rights.

To assist organizations in this endeavor, Data School has developed the Fundamental Rights and Algorithm Impact Assessment (FRAIA). This instrument helps to map the risks to human rights in the use of algorithms and to take measures to address these risks. FRAIA creates a dialogue between professionals who are working on the development or deployment of an algorithmic system.

At this moment, it is not yet obligatory to assess risks to human rights when deploying algorithms. However, in light of the upcoming AI Act, it will become mandatory for high-impact algorithms. The AI Act will also apply to universities, and academics will therefore be required to do a Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment (such as FRAIA) when using high-risk algorithms.


You do not need to bring a laptop for the interactive assignment.

You are very welcome to visit the Digital Humanities walk-in hour taking place in the same location (the Digital Humanities Workspace) prior to this workshop, from 14:00 to 15:00 hrs. No sign-up or preparation is necessary for this walk-in hour, we encourage you to just come by!

Read more

View and download FRAIA here. Read the interview with Iris Muis on the development of FRAIA and read here how Data School was invited to the European Parliament to talk about FRAIA.

For whom?

Due to our funding, priority will be given to teachers, researchers and students of the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University for this workshop. If you are affiliated with a different faculty or institution but interested in participating, please register to be placed on a waiting list. Notification of available spaces will be sent two weeks before the workshop.


Please complete the registration form below if you wish to sign up for this session. Register early to secure your place, as spots are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you find yourself unable to attend after completing registration, we kindly request that you cancel your registration by sending an email to cdh@uu.nl, allowing us to offer the spot to another participant. Thank you for your cooperation.