Centre for Digital Humanities


Data Science: Multiple Imputation in Practice (Utrecht Summer School)

Event details

11 July 2022 - 14 July 2022
All Day
Utrecht, exact location to be announced

This four-day course teaches you the basics in solving your own missing data problems appropriately. Participants will learn how to form imputation models, how to combine data sets, how to model non-response, how to use diagnostics to inspect the imputed values, how to obtain valid inference on incomplete data and how to avoid many of the pitfalls associated with real-life missing data problems.

Most researchers in the social and behavioural sciences have encountered the problem of missing data: It seriously complicates the statistical analysis of data, and simply ignoring it is not a good strategy. A general and statistically valid technique to analyse incomplete data is multiple imputation, which is rapidly becoming the standard in social and behavioural science research.

This course will explain a modern and flexible imputation technique that is able to preserve important features in the data. The aim of this course is to enhance participants’ knowledge in imputation methodology and to provide a flexible solution to their incomplete data problems using R. The course will explain the principles of missing data theory, outline a step-by-step approach toward creating high quality imputations, and provide guidelines how the results can be reported. The course will use the authors’ MICE package in R.

Application deadline: 27 June 2022

This course is part of a series of 5 courses in the Summer School Data Science specialisation taught by UU’s department of Methodology & Statistics.

More info & registration