Centre for Digital Humanities


CDH Workshop: Basics of Statistics in R – Hands-on training day for humanities staff

Event details

19 September 2023
09:30 - 16:30
Digital Humanities Workspace
Drift 27 (Room 0.32), Utrecht, 3512 BR

Join us for a one-day interactive training designed for researchers and teachers in the humanities. In this training, Professor Hugo Quené and statistical advisor Kirsten Schutter will provide a comprehensive overview of statistical data analysis and guide you through the usage of R, a powerful programming language and environment for statistical computing, data handling, graphical presentation, and reporting.

This course combines theoretical insights into statistics with practical skills for data analysis using R. The first part of the training focuses on fundamental statistical concepts such as sampling, data, and probability. It then progresses to key concepts in descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (significance, effect size, power). The aim is to help you uncover interesting patterns hidden within your observed data through statistical analysis and visualization, while acknowledging the associated assumptions and risks of errors.

In the hands-on component of the training, you will be guided through various aspects of working with R. You will learn how to handle data, including importing, selecting, modifying, and exporting data. Additionally, you will gain proficiency in describing data through tables and figures, performing and interpreting simple tests, and discovering further resources to enhance your R skills. Using R in combination with RStudio and the R Markdown extension, you will have the opportunity to create reproducible reports that seamlessly integrate explanatory text, R code, and resulting tables and figures.

By the end of the training, you will have a solid understanding of the foundational concepts in statistics and the ability to describe, analyze, and identify significant patterns in your own datasets. You will also be equipped with practical skills in utilizing R for statistical computing and reporting.


The course is open to all humanities staff and students, particularly those with limited or no prior experience in statistics and R.


We kindly request participants to bring their own laptops and install the necessary software before the training. Detailed instructions will be provided via email two weeks prior to the training day.

DCU compensation

If you are a teacher at the Faculty of Humanities, the CDH will automatically settle a DCU compensation of 10 hours with your department after completion, which equals 0,46 DCUs.

Extra information

Free coffee/tea and a lunch will provided during the workshop day.

To secure your spot, we encourage you to register as soon as possible. Registrations will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event that you are unable to attend the workshop, we kindly request that you cancel your registration by sending an email to CDH@uu.nl. This will allow us to offer the vacant spot to another interested participant. Thank you for your cooperation.