Centre for Digital Humanities


Personalized consultancy session with Hugo Quené & Kirsten Schutter: Integrating quantitative methods into your research & funding proposal

Event details

03 October 2024
10:00 - 13:00
Community Room
Drift 10 (Room 3.05), Utrecht, 3512 BS

Do you have questions about the quantitative methodology, statistical, or data analysis part of your research? Are you unsure how to begin and how to properly integrate quantitative methods? Or are you wondering what research tools, statistical model, and statistical software you should consider? Then we are pleased to invite you to join a one-on-one brainstorm & consultancy session.

During this session, professor in Quantitative Methods of Empirical Research in the Humanities prof. dr. Hugo Quené, and CDH statistical advisor Kirsten Schutter, will be available to address your inquiries and provide insights on research design, data collection, and data analysis. Each session will last a maximum of 45 minutes.

The hosts can offer advice on various aspects, such as:

  • Optimizing your research question.
  • Designing a study that is optimal for answering your research question(s).
  • Exploring suitable quantitative methods and associated tools.
  • Deciding on the appropriate statistical analysis (model).
  • Deciding what statistical software to use (e.g. R or JASP).
  • Interpreting the results of statistical analyses.
  • Finding relevant literature and/or (online) courses on methodology/statistics.
  • Delineating one’s own (knowledge) boundaries.

The hosts will be available to brainstorm with you on the methodology and statistics of your research:

  • Methodology: What does your research design look like? This includes your research question, hypotheses/predictions, research population, variables of interest, operationalization of variables, issues of validity.
  • Statistics: What type of analysis do you need to answer your research question(s)? If you have already collected data: Is your data appropriate for answering your research question(s) and the desired statistical analysis?


Participants should bring their own laptops and their own research questions and/or datasets. This allows participants to apply the inisights of the brainstorm & consultancy session to their specific work.

You are also very welcome to visit the Digital Humanities walk-in hour taking place in the Digital Humanities Workspace after this workshop, from 14:00 to 15:00 hrs. No sign-up or preparation is necessary for this walk-in hour, we encourage you to just come by!

For whom?

Due to our funding, priority will be given to teachers and researchers of the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University for this session. If you are affiliated with a different faculty or institution but interested in participating, please register to be placed on a waiting list. Notification of available spaces will be sent two weeks before the workshop.


Please complete the registration form below if you wish to sign up for this session. Register early to secure your place, as spots are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you find yourself unable to attend after completing registration, we kindly request that you cancel your registration by sending an email to cdh@uu.nl, allowing us to offer the spot to another participant. Thank you for your cooperation.