Centre for Digital Humanities


Blog post: Data School at CPDP 2024

Authors Julia Straatman and Lysa Ngouateu have published a (Dutch) blog post on the Data School website about Data School‘s visit to the yearly Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conference. This year, the conference took place in Brussels (Belgium) from 22-24 May. Data School moderated two panels and hosted an interactive workshop. Data School at CPDP 2024…

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Blog Julian Gonggrijp: ‘How to ensure that others can run your code’

“If your code only runs on your computer with your files on it, in January under easterly wind while the moon is waning, then your colleagues will likely find it difficult to run your code.” How can you unsure that your freshly developed software is accessible and usable by your colleagues for their research? Julian…

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Blog by Hugo Quené – Open art: Rudolf Stingel

During the Christmas holidays, I was introduced to the work of Rudolf Stingel (1956). I saw fascinating similarities in his work to Open Science, and especially to two of its themes: FAIR Data and Software, and Public Engagement. FAIR Data and Software In 1988, Stingel started working on “silver paintings”, large canvases with monochrome backgrounds,…

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