Centre for Digital Humanities


Many of the courses listed here have their entry requirements and/or required entry levels. Please verify whether you meet those requirements, and whether priority rules of enrolment apply.

Course codeCourseTeaching period
CI3V21101Ciw-Mediatisering en Dataficatie1
INFOIMPImperatief Programmeren1
ME3V20004Mec-Utrecht Data School Practicum I1
TW3V19001Tlw-Digital Tools and Methods1
ME3V21002Mec-Infrastructures of Digital Cultures1
CI1V17003Ciw-Nieuwe Media en Communicatie2
INFOB1MNPModelleren en Programmeren2
INFOB1MOP Mobiel Programmeren2
ME3V21001Mec-Data as Media2
ME3V20005Mec-Utrecht Data School Practicum II2
ME3V15016Mec-Nederlandse Filmcultuur in Internationale Context2
ME3V20003Mec-Workshop Interactive Storytelling2
NE3V18001Ned-Corpusonderzoek in de Neerlandistiek2
BETA-B1PYTProgrammeren met Python3
CI3V21103Ciw-Digital Methods3
ME2V15011Mec-Inleiding Nieuwe media3
ME2V18003Mec-Introduction to New Media3
ME3V19002Mec-Practicum Audiovisuele Media3
NE3V18001Ned-Corpusonderzoek in de Neerlandistiek3
TL2V19002Tlc-Communicatie in sociale media3
TLMV16408Tlc-Data-analyse en datavisualisatie3
TW2V19002Tlw-Methods and Statistics 13
TW3V19002Tlw-Language and Computation3
CI3V14404Ciw-Digitale identiteit4
CI3V21104Ciw-Rhetorics of Data Visualisation4
GE2V19001Ges-Grote vragen, big data4
GE2V19002Ges-Big Questions, Big Data4
ME3V15025Mec-Televisiegeschiedenis Online4
ME3V20002Mec-Workshop Audiovisual Media4
KI2V13007Computationele linguïstiek4
KI2V20001Introduction to Machine Learning4
KI3V21001Models for Language Processing4
TL3V17002Tlc-Methoden en statistiek 24