Centre for Digital Humanities


UU webinar: Impact of AI in education

Event details

25 June 2024
15:30 - 17:00

On Tuesday, June 25th, Utrecht University and Kennisnet are organising the free webinar ‘Digital autonomy in education: the impact of AI’. All professionals interested or involved in artificial intelligence, educational technology or public management are welcome to join.

How does the growing influence of big tech sponsored AI affect our public educational systems? How do administrators, school directors and teachers remain in charge of educational content and pedagogical values? How do we retain independence in the educational choices we make?

Dr. Ben Williamson (University of Edinburgh) and Prof. dr. José van Dijck (Utrecht University) will be speaking, among other experts in the field. The lecture is in English, the discussion panel afterwards will be in Dutch.

You can find more information and sign up here.

This webinar is jointly organised by the Special Interest Group Platformisation of Education, part of the focus area Governing the Digital Society.