Centre for Digital Humanities


The CDH offers various forms of research support:

Research software and coding inquiries

  • Are you in need of guidance regarding software solutions for your research?
  • Are you interested in exploring available tools or discussing the possibility of developing custom software?
  • Would you like a thorough review of your self-written code?
  • Would you like to do experimental research using behavioral or bio measures?
  • Would you like to check your experimental design for statistical viability?

Digital Humanities Brainstorm Sessions

Personalized brainstorm & consultancy session: How to successfully integrate computational methods in your research design & funding proposal

Do you have questions on the Digital Humanities aspects of your research proposal? How do you properly integrate computational methods in your research design and funding application? What are suitable and proven computational methods to work with? During this brainstorm session with CDH strategic advisor Antal van den Bosch, a scientific developer from the Research Software Lab, and a DH expert from the UB, you can ask all your (technical) questions on Digital Humanities and computational methods.

New fall date TBA.

Enhance your DH funding proposal

Are you seeking guidance on the technical aspect of your funding proposal? The Centre for Digital Humanities collaborates closely with the Research Support Office (RSO) at Utrecht University to assist researchers in locating and securing external funding for their projects. To increase your chances of success, our experts can offer advice on the viability of your computational and data-driven methods and assist with formulating the technical paragraphs of your application. Additionally, we can provide you with information on data management plans, FAIR principles, and software lifecycle management.

Digital Humanities Walk-in Hours

Connect with our affiliated members

Our team of affiliated members comprises six academic staff members, along with a strategic advisor and director, who are part of the four humanities departments at Utrecht University. With their diverse and extensive expertise in the field of digital humanities, they are readily available to address any inquiries you may have. Click the link below to access detailed biographies and contact information.

History and Art History

Pim Huijnen – Assistant professor Cultural History
– Quantitative text analysis
– Digital conceptual history
– Datafication in history

Bio work

Languages, Literature and Communication

Antal van den Bosch – Professor language, communication and computation
– Text mining
– Machine learning
– Computational linguistics

Bio work

Manuela Pinto – Assistant professor Italian language and culture
– Second language acquisition
– Community based research
– Knowledge dissemination

Bio work

Hugo Quené – Professor quantitative methods in humanities
– Quantitative methods
– Speech production and perception
– Statistical modeling

Bio work

Jeroen Salman – Assistant professor literary studies
– Bookhistorical data analysis
– European research infrastructures
– Computer vision

Bio work

Media and Culture Studies

Karin van Es – Assistant professor media & culture
– Critical data studies
– E.g. embedded norms and values of algorithmic systems

Bio work

Jasmijn van Gorp – Assistant professor media & culture
– Audiovisual data
– Digital television archives
– Research infrastructures

Bio work

Philosophy and Religious Studies

Dominik Klein – Assistant professor theoretical philosophy
– Formal philosophy
– Agent based simulations in philosophy

Bio work

Other questions?

Do you have a different question or are you not sure whom to turn to? Contact us by sending an email to cdh@uu.nl.