BWI data portal
An interactive portal to make the data of the Better Well-being Index (BWI, ‘Brede Welvaartsindicator’) downloadable and to visualise the data for a wide audience on a public website.
Frisian dialects project
The Frisian dialects projects is a tool to collect Frisian language data in an online experiment in the form of a game.
Dutch Dialect Idioms database
The ‘Dutch Dialect Idioms’ database is an online database of idioms in 13 Dutch dialects, publicly accessible and easily searchable.
Automatic CHAT Annotation Tool (AuChAnn)
AuChAnn – Automatic CHAT Annotation tool – is a python library that can read a Dutch transcript and interpretation pair and generate a fitting CHAT annotation.
Digital Atlas of Postcolonial Europe
The Digital Atlas of Postcolonial Europe project visualizes the connections of the lives, works, and legacies of prominent postcolonial intellectuals in Europe.
Map your hero(ine)
Map your hero(ine) is a small-scale project for which the Digital Humanities Lab developed a web application with a database, online survey and visualizations.
Digital Opinions on Translated Literature (DIOPTRA-L)
The DIOPTRA-L corpus is a database with 280.000 user-generated reviews of more than 150 books that have been translated into 8 languages.
The Glossary Project – Graphical randomizer for glossary concepts
A graphical randomizer for glossary concepts. The tool is used to spark curiosity and conversationvarious glossart concepts.
LiNT provides an estimate of text difficulty based on a readability study in which text features are linked to levels of text comprehension.
Semi-Automatic Analysis of Spontaneous Language (SASTA)
Clinical linguists can use SASTA to automate the process of labeling language in patient transcripts with high accuracy.
Automatic Analysis of Speech Prosody (AASP)
AASP enables scientists to classify speech prosody automatically. It can generate tone labels for Dutch intonation, and finds descriptors for speech melody.
PEACE – Portal of Jewish Funerary Culture
The PEACE portal provides a broad epigraphic search into Jewish funerary inscriptions from antiquity to the twentieth century.
Upgrade of the Medieval Memoria Online (MeMO) Database
MeMO provides a database of items in the medieval commemoration of the dead in the area that is currently the Netherlands, until 1580.
Digital cartography of new materialism
With this digital critical cartography, a creative representation of Evelien Geerts’ situated findings concerning contemporary new materialist thought is depicted.
Fieldnotes Gephi Plugin
Fieldnotes logs the settings that were deployed for individual visualizations, thus making network visualization in Gephi accountable.