Centre for Digital Humanities

Centre for Digital Humanities

“Supporting and fostering the computational perspective in the humanities”

The Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) aims to empower all Faculty of Humanities staff and students by enriching their digital competencies and fostering an ethical and critical approach to digital humanities. Our services include:

Engage with CDH resources and activities as we collectively navigate the computational turn in the humanities. Our team is looking forward to meeting you in one of our consultancy sessions, courses or weekly walk-in hours!


2 - 23 Oct
10:00 - 17:00
This entry level course in Python is specifically tailored to humanities teachers, researchers, and students who want to learn the basics of this popular programming language. After the course, participants ...
CDH course: Entry level course Python in four days
17 Oct
10:30 - 13:00
This entry-level workshop, a joint effort between the Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) and Utrecht University Library (UB), is designed to assist participants in navigating large digitized newspaper archives. This ...
CDH/UB workshop: Exploring online newspaper archives with Delpher and I-Analyzer
18 Oct
11:00 - 12:00
Dr. Lia Costiner, Assistant Professor in the History of Art (Digital Art History) at Utrecht University, will deliver a brand-new workshop on AI Image Generation for teachers. Do you use ...
CDH guest workshop (hybrid) for teachers by Lia Costiner: Digital Creativity in the Classroom, an Introduction to AI Image Generation
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