The Centre for Digital Humanities understands the importance of catering to the specific needs and preferences of the staff within the Faculty of Humanities. In addition to our regular Training Programme, we therefore also provide tailor-made workshops to ensure that the staff training we offer aligns closely with your requirements.

What we offer

Whether you require a more advanced level or wish to combine multiple subjects, our team can create a tailor-made workshop for your team. Customization can also include the opportunity to work with your own material.

Tailor-made workshops are available for groups of seven staff members or more. Please fill out the form below and clearly specify your preferences.

We can provide tailor-made workshops to Faculty of Humanities staff of Utrecht University on the following subjects:

4CAT for social media data

In this two-hour workshop you will be introduced to social media data collection and analysis. After this hands-on session, you will be able to gather social media data yourselves. We’ll be using 4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit, which does not require any programming experience.

Automatic Speech Recognition using Whisper

During this 90-minute workshop, the host will demonstrate how to apply automatic speech recognition (ASR) to your own materials using Whisper, an ASR system trained on 680,000 hours of multilingual and multitask supervised data collected from the web.

Delpher & I-Analyzer as tools for exploring online newspaper archives

Navigating large digitalized newspaper archives can be crucial for your research, but ensuring you get the best results may prove challenging. This workshop provides an introduction to digital tools that facilitate efficient search of newspaper archives. The workshop is a collaboration between information specialists from the DH Team at Utrecht University Library and I-Analyzer developers from the CDH Research Software Lab.

Digital Humanities 101 (lecture)

This lecture (30 to 45 minutes) is set up as an entry into Digital Humanities (DH) thinking. Prof. dr. Hugo Quené will show and discuss how to work with digital data and how to employ digital methods in the humanities. This presentation is intended for everybody interested in working with digital sources and/or digital methods.

Georeferencing old maps

The famous ‘Atlas Maior’ by the Amsterdam firm of Blaeu has recently been georeferenced by the Utrecht University Library (UB). What is georeferencing and what is the scientific value of georeferenced maps for especially research and education? This joint UB and CDH three-hour workshop will show and teach you how to georeference digitized maps and how you can (re-)use them in your own work.

Machine learning principles & practices

In this one-day course, assistant professor dr. Hugo Schnack will give an introduction to what machine learning is, when and how it can be used and what it can do. In practicals, you will train, test, and interpret machine learning models yourself on (real) datasets.

Network visualization with Gephi

In this four-hour workshop you will be introduced to network analysis and visualization using Gephi. After this hands-on session, you will be able to conduct a network research on a large dataset.

NVivo for beginners

During this three-hour, entry-level workshop, you will be introduced to the qualitative data analysis programme NVivo. The host will walk you through a number of basic functionalities of the software package, such as importing, coding, organizing, and searching your data. We also offer a comprehensive NVivo video tutorial for you to watch at your own convenience.

Python course for beginners

This entry-level course in Python, provided by scientific developers of the Research Software Lab, is designed for humanities teachers and researchers who want to learn the foundations of Python in order to write simple programmes using the most common structures. No previous programming experience is needed.

R for Humanities

Data are becoming increasingly important in the humanities. R is a powerful scripting language for data handling, data visualization, and statistics. In this one-day workshop you will learn the basics of statistical data analysis. This workshop aims to give you the tools to start exploring R and all it has to offer by yourself. We focus on learning the basics of R and applying your new found R knowledge and skills to datasets. At the end of the workshop, you will be able to: (1) read and write lines of R code (even if you do not understand all functions, you know how to look them up); and (2) use RStudio, and use it to write an R script and an R markdown document.

Text mining with I-Analyzer

I-Analyzer is an online text and data mining application, developed by the Research Software Lab, that combines online availability and ease of use with flexibility. This three-hour workshop will give an overview of how you can process text corpora to be used in I-Analyzer, and how to search, filter and visualize results. If you’re interested, it might be possible to add a document collection of your choice in I-Analyzer. Contact for more info.

Transkribus and Optical Character Recognition

During this three-hour, entry-level workshop, the Digital Humanities Team at the University Library will demonstrate and teach how to use Optical Character Recognition software and Transkribus on example texts or material from your own research.

Yoda for Humanities

Yoda is the default storage infrastructure for research data in the Humanities faculty at Utrecht University. This 90-minute workshop will provide a hands-on introduction to Yoda, and will help you navigate the data related choices you encounter during the different phases of your research.

Do you have a short or very specific question about a digital humanities topic? Do you need one-on-one coaching? Then we would like to refer you to our weekly Digital Humanities walk-in hours where we are able to provide individual, personalized support.

If you would like to organize a tailor-made workshop from the Centre for Digital Humanities for your team, please fill out the form below and clearly specify your preferences.

Tailor-Made Workshops