With this Small Grant, the CDH aims to increase and broaden digital humanities skills among teachers by offering various options for tailormade professionalization. We call on you to submit a proposal on how to enhance your knowledge and skills. You can apply if you are appointed as a lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor or full professor with a minimum of 0.2 fte teaching load within the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University.

Aim of this call

The aim of this call is to give lecturers within the Faculty of Humanities the opportunity to expand and broaden their skillset in the field of digital humanities. These skills can relate to the use and management of digital corpora, the development of your own digital data collections, the (partial) automation of coding and annotation, the analysis and enrichment of data via computational and/or statistical techniques or the appropriate presentation of data and results, in visual and/or digital form. We call on you to submit a motivated proposal on how you would like to enhance your knowledge and skills. Requests can be made for two types of assistance:

  • The CDH can offer individual advanced in-house consultation and instruction in programming or statistics;
  • Would you like to participate in a DH related course or workshop on a specific topic that we do not offer through our CDH Training Programme or in a training on a particular DH topic that we cannot offer in our tailor-made workshops? Then you can submit a motivated proposal on participating in an external training or course(s).

Who can apply?

You can apply for a Small Grant if you are appointed as a lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor or full professor with a minimum of 0.2 fte teaching load within the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University.

What can be applied for?

The CDH can pay for your course fees, with a maximum of 2000 euros per proposal. It might be possible that your own department is able to make an additional contribution, for example by matching the necessary time investment, but this expressly cannot be claimed and it is not a condition or advantage for the approval of your CDH course enhancement proposal. Applicants should explore the possibilities within their departments themselves. Before you apply, the CDH expects that you have discussed your proposal with your supervisor (leidinggevende) and with the management coordinator of your department.

How to apply

Write a brief but well-motivated proposal on the digital humanities skills you would like to acquire or improve. There is no standard format, but please make sure to specify clearly the connection between the course program you teach within Utrecht University and the course(s) you would like to participate in. Your proposal should be between 200 and 500 words, written in English or Dutch. Please send your request to cdh@uu.nl, using the subject line ‘CDH Small Grants Proposal – Expanding teacher’s digital skills’.

In case you would like to take external courses (not organized by the CDH), please list the total time investment and costs in the following way:



This is an ongoing call. We have a limited annual budget for these grants: contributions are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.


Do you have questions about this call or the other Small Grants? Please send an email to cdh@uu.nl.