(Co-)Funding Digital Humanities workshops
The Centre for Digital Humanities is pleased to introduce a new small-scale funding program aimed at supporting the organization of workshops that align with our mission to enhance the computational perspective in the humanities. This CDH Small Grant is particularly intended to foster intellectual exchange and the development of research and education projects with a core focus on digital humanities.
What is eligible for application?
The CDH has intentionally designed the funding process to be as flexible as possible, allowing room for initiative and creativity from the applicants. Therefore, the planned event can take on various formats, such as a workshop, brainstorm session to generate funding proposal ideas or software solutions, hackathon, data sprint lecture, or mini-conference. The event can be domain-specific and centered around a particular topic, or it can have a more broad-ranging structure, as long as the workshop aligns with and contributes to the overall mission of the CDH. When evaluating proposals for funding, the following criteria and requirements will be considered:
- The scholarly value and potential impact of the workshop: the planned event should have a clear and demonstrable connection to the field of digital humanities;
- It is considered an advantage if the proposed workshop includes an educational component aimed at enhancing the digital competencies of the participants;
- The expected outcome of the workshop is well-defined, such as a publication or a funding proposal with a substantial digital (data-oriented, computational) element;
- The workshop must take place in the Netherlands or at an institution abroad that is connected to a Dutch university;
- The workshop should be open to all staff of the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University who wish to participate.
What can be requested?
The maximum (co-)funding that can be provided per planned activity is 2.000 euros. Co-financing is not obligatory, but it is encouraged. This budget is intended to cover travel, accommodation, and/or subsistence expenses for attendees and/or speakers, venue rental, and/or catering costs. These expenses may be submitted to CDH either in advance or afterward based on a pre-approved budget proposal. Personnel costs and indirect expenses are not eligible for reimbursement, except in the case of student assistance.
As a general rule, our support is limited to financial assistance; the applicants remain solely responsible for the practical organization of the planned event. If desired, the CDH can assist in promoting the workshop by disseminating announcements within its own network.
Who is eligible to apply?
The main applicant must hold a paid position at the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University. In cases where the applicant has a temporary position, the period of employment should cover at least the time period during which the workshop will take place.
How to apply?
To minimize administrative burden, there is no fixed application format. Those interested in applying for a CDH Small Grant should submit a proposal outlining the planned workshop in approximately 300 to 500 words. Please describe the intended audience, theme, the connection(s) to digital humanities and the mission of the CDH, and the expected impact and outcomes of the workshop. The application should be supported by a detailed budget, clearly itemized by cost categories.
Please send your request to cdh@uu.nl, using the subject line ‘CDH Small Grants Proposal – DH workshop’. We would appreciate it if, when applicable, you could provide a blog post about the event suitable for publication on the CDH website and newsletter. The CDH funding should be acknowledged in all external communication related to the planned event.
When can applications be submitted?
This is an ongoing call, which will remain open as long as there is budget available. The CDH has a fixed yearly amount to allocate, distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Funds will be distributed as evenly as possible across the four departments of the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University.
Requests for funding must be submitted in a timely manner, at least four months prior to the planned event. Decisions regarding allocation will be made by a small committee, within one month.
Do you have questions about this call or the other Small Grants? Please send an email to cdh@uu.nl.