
  • Better Well-being Index (BWI, ‘Brede Welvaartsindicator’)
  • Interactive data portal

Short description

Research on a broader definition of prosperity has grown and several public websites have been published to showcase data on this topic. The BWI data portal aims to distinguish itself from other websites on this matter by presenting the results in a more insightful manner.

Furthermore, the BWI data portal will offer users the option to:

  1. download BWI data (for researchers/professionals)
  2. explore the results interactively (for a broad audience)

The Research Software Lab is presently developing the BWI data portal as a public website (available in Dutch and English) on which every user can choose between the following tabs/applications:

  • BWI national: a trend line of the BWI score for the Netherlands compared to the trend line of GDP per capita for 2003-2020
  • BWI regional: an interactive map of the BWI scores for all COROP regions in the Netherlands (a division of the Netherlands for statistical purposes) in the current year
  • BWI your region featured: an overview of all indicators used to calculate the BWI for one specific region, including automatically generated texts and analyses interpreting this data
  • BWI local: an interactive map of the BWI scores for all districts in the Netherlands in the current year
  • BWI Region Deal Foodvalley: an interactive map of the BWI scores for all eight Foodvalley municipalities in the current year
  • BWI your district featured: an overview of all indicators used to calculate the BWI for one specific region, including automatically generated texts and analyses interpreting this data

On each tab, users can download the entire dataset via a button on the page.


Since 2016, Rabobank and Utrecht University have jointly published the so-called Better Well-being Index (BWI) every year. This BWI is primarily a report on the broad development of prosperity and well-being in the Netherlands on an annual basis. With the BWI, the initiators want to strengthen the trend to measure prosperity more broadly than solely on the basis of economic indicators.