The Digital Humanities Team at the Utrecht University Library is comprised of a multidisciplinary group of specialists who can provide researchers, teachers and students with valuable information and advice on various digital humanities topics.


UU researchers

Are you looking for digitally available sources for research? Do you need assistance with text mining a corpus or have questions about optical character recognition? Do you want to come to our DH Workspace for meeting and exchanging knowledge within the field of Digital Humanities?

The Digital Humanities Team at the Utrecht University Library can provide you with valuable information and advice on various topics, including:

  • Digitization requests
  • Digital literacy skills
  • Working with digital text corpora
  • Acquiring, archiving, and accessing qualitative and quantitative (meta)data
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Optical Layout Recognition (OLR), Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) & HTR software like Transkribus
  • Linked Open Data
  • Georeferencing & IIIF
  • Copyrights & Creative Commons licencing
  • Open Science & FAIR data
  • Research Data Management

UU teachers

Are you looking for digitally available sources for research? Do you need assistance with text mining a corpus or have questions about optical character recognition? Do you want to come to our DH Workspace for meeting and exchanging knowledge within the field of Digital Humanities?

The Digital Humanities Team at the Utrecht University Library can provide you with valuable information and advice on various topics, including:

  • Digital literacy skills
  • (Online) Library guides & training courses (24/7)
  • Using digital techniques and methods in teaching and research
  • Working with digital text corpora
  • Responsibly collecting, evaluating, and analysing digital sources and data
  • Using search systems, search strategies and online source collections
  • Managing bibliographic data with reference tools (Zotero)

Advice on thesis supervision

You supervise students whose thesis contains a digital component. Whether the student makes use of digitized material, wants to carry out text mining analyses or wants to save a dataset, from our expertise we like to offer help and advice during the process of supervising a thesis.

UU students

Are you looking for digitally available sources for research? Do you need assistance with text mining a corpus or have questions about optical character recognition? Do you want to come to our DH Workspace for meeting and exchanging knowledge within the field of Digital Humanities?

The Digital Humanities Team at the Utrecht University Library can provide you with valuable information and advice on various topics, including:

  • Digital literacy skills
  • (Online) Library guides & training courses (24/7)
  • Working with digital text corpora
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Optical Layout Recognition (OLR), Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) & and HTR software like Transkribus
  • Responsibly collecting, evaluating, and analysing digital sources and data
  • Using search systems, search strategies and online source collections
  • Managing bibliographic data with reference tools (Zotero)

Advice on your thesis

Your thesis contains a digital component. Whether you make use of digitized material, want to carry out text mining analyses or need to save a dataset, with our expertise we like to offer help and advice on the research stage of your thesis.


The Centre for Digital Humanities teams are located around the Drift in the city centre of Utrecht. Click on the yellow dots on the map for address details of all our teams.

The Library Digital Humanities Team is located at:

Drift 27 (room 1.33)
3512 BS Utrecht


Marco van Egmond


(Digital) Special Collections | Georeferencing | Data Visualisation

Arja Firet

Subject Librarian: Humanities

DH in Education | Content Program DH Workspace | DH Community | Text Corpora | Transkribus/I-Analyzer

Frank Koper

Information/Collection Specialist

Metadata | Cataloguing Formats | Linked Data

Erica van Doorn

IT Functional Manager

Digitisation | IT consultancy & support | Information Security

Andrea van Leerdam


Special Collections | DH Communications/PR | Digitized Images and Image Search | Linked Open Data liaison

Coen van der Stappen

Information/Collection Specialist

Digitisation | Special Collections | Optical Character Recognition & Handwritten Character Recognition | Transkribus

Maaike Wijnen

Account Manager

DH Community | PR/Events and Network Heritage Partners | Digital Culture & Heritage