CDH workshop (in-person & online): Exploring parliamentary data in I-Analyzer
This entry-level workshop, organized by the Centre for Digital Humanities, is designed to teach you how to explore parliamentary data in the open-source, online tool I-Analyzer. The workshop will be taught by scientific developers from the CDH Research Software Lab who are continuously developing this tool. Prof. dr. Pasi Ihalainen will also be present to contribute on his research methods with this tool.
Practical information
This workshop will take place on Friday, 7 February 2025, from 15.00 to 17.00 hours in room 0.21 of the Utrecht University Library, City Centre (Drift 27, Utrecht). You can also participate in this workshop online, in which case you will receive a Teams link before the workshop. Participation is free, both in-person and online.
Developed and maintained by the CDH Research Software Lab, I-Analyzer is a user-friendly online tool tailored for exploring large text collections. Researchers and professionals can use this application to easily perform full-text searches, filter data, generate various visualizations, and export subsets of data for further analysis using other programs.
People & Parliament
People & Parliament is one of the corpora publicly available in I-Analyzer. It consists of all Dutch parliamentary debates (speeches from Eerste Kamer & Tweede Kamer) from 1815 to 2022. You can search for anything that holds your interest and filter by parliamentary role, part, date, and chamber (Eerste Kamer or Tweede Kamer).
You are also very welcome to register for the CDH lecture by Professor Pasi Ihalainen that accompanies this workshop. This lecture will take place in-person (in the same location as this workshop) as well as online, just before this workshop between 13.30 and 14.30 hours. He will discuss merging conceptual and digital history to study the transnational evolution of parliamentary democracy.
After a 30-minute break (14.30-15.00h), this workshop will start at which Prof. Pasi Ihalainen will also be present.
More info
You can find more information on I-Analyzer in our portfolio. Have you used I-Analyzer before? Then let us know your wishes in the I-Analyzer user survey.
If you are interested in having your own corpus added to I-Analyzer, whether for general use or specifically for this workshop, please contact us at to explore the possibilities.
No prior experience with I-Analyzer is required. The workshop will be in English.
Participants should bring their own laptops. No preparation is necessary for this workshop.
For whom?
This workshop is open to all who are interested in joining either in person or online.
Please complete the registration form below if you wish to sign up for this workshop. Register early to secure your place, as spots are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you find yourself unable to attend after completing registration, we kindly request that you cancel your registration by sending an email to, allowing us to offer the spot to another participant. Thank you for your cooperation.