Event details

07/05/2025 - 08/05/2025
All Day
Campus of the Austrian Academy of the Sciences
Bäckerstrasse 13, Vienna, 1010
For humanities researchers

This two-day conference, held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) campus, is dedicated to the use of AI models for the digitization and analysis of newspapers and magazines from the early modern period to the present. This covers both the “out-of-the-box” use or fine-tuning of existing models and the training of new models. 

The term “AI model” is deliberately defined broadly and includes several subfields of artificial intelligence (e.g., Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Generative AI, NLP) and architectures (e.g., CNNs, BERT, GPT, CLIP) as well as different modalities (text, image, multimodal models) and modes of integration into individual workflows (e.g., through applications such as Transkribus, Newspaper Navigator; through Python libraries like spaCy, flair).

The conference focuses on various application scenarios of AI in relation to newspapers and magazines. It is being organized by the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), in cooperation with DHd-AG Zeitungen & Zeitschriften.

The deadline for the call for papers is 15 January 2025. Suggested topics and submission information can be found on the ÖAW website.