Event details

03/06/2025 - 06/06/2025
All Day
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam, 1081 HV
For humanities researchers

From 3 June to 6 June 2025, the 12th edition of the annual DH Benelux Conference will take place in Amsterdam at the Vrije Universiteit. The conference serves as a platform for the community of interdisciplinary Digital Humanities researchers to meet, present and discuss their latest research findings and to demonstrate tools and projects.

The workshop day will take place on 3 June 2025 and the main conference will be from 4 June to 6 June 2025.

The call for papers is out now, with a deadline for abstract submission on 15 December 2024.

You can find updates on the theme, programme, and how to register on the website of DH Benelux.