Centre for Digital Humanities

Research Software Lab

Walk-in consultation hour DH Lab cancelled

Due to the new Corona measures, we have decided to cancel the walk-in consultation hour on Wednesday from 14-15.00h at the Digital Humanities Lab (DH Lab). It remains possible to set up an online no-obligation consultation at a day and time that suits you. The DH Lab offers these consultations to the staff of the Faculty of Humanities…

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The Digital Humanities Lab develops digital toolset for major European research project ‘People and Parliament’

The Utrecht Digital Humanities Lab will collaborate with the University of Jyväskylä (Finland) on the political-historical research project ‘People and Parliament’. This collaboration between software developers and historians enables groundbreaking research into parliamentary data. ‘People and Parliament’ is an ambitious project. The research focuses on the use of political language in the national parliaments of…

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Workshop Text mining with I-Analyzer

08 November 2021 @ 14:00 – 17:00 – Dr. Berit Janssen and Jelte van Boheemen (developers Digital Humanities Lab) will offer an I-Analyzer workshop on 8 November 2021 at 1.00 PM. Participants are given an overview of how text corpora are processed in order to be used in I-Analyzer, and how to search, filter and visualize results. 

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Presentatie: Introductie Digital Humanities Lab

03 June 2021 @ 14:00 – 15:00 – Om onderzoek op het terrein van Digital Humanities te bevorderen, is in januari 2014 het Digital Humanities Lab van de Universiteit Utrecht opgericht. Een gespecialiseerd en ervaren team van zes wetenschappelijke ontwikkelaars bouwt in het DH Lab aan tools op maat voor onderzoekers van geestes- en sociale wetenschappen en externe partijen. Ook wordt er geadviseerd over onder meer methodologie, bestaande IT oplossingen voor onderzoek, en de digitale component van financieringsaanvragen.

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