Utrecht Data School and De Groene Amsterdammer win ‘Tegel’ award
The article ‘Misogynie als politiek wapen’, a collaboration between Joris Veerbeek and Sahra Mohamed (Utrecht Data School) and Coen van de Ven and Karlijn Saris (De Groene Amsterdammer), has won a ‘Tegel’ in the category ‘CBS Data’. The Tegel is the most important Dutch award for journalism.

The Utrecht Data School (UDS) regularly collaborates with De Groene Amsterdammer on journalistic articles that require thorough data research. For the winning article ‘Misogynie als politiek wapen’ that was published in De Groene Amsterdammer in March 2021, Veerbeek and Mohamed conducted data research into the sexism that female politicians have to deal with on a daily basis. Ten percent of all tweets addressed to female politicians contain hate or aggression, was one of their conclusions. Because of this political parties fear that young women will shy away from entering politics.
The same article recently also won the Carla Atzema Soroptimistprijs 2022, an award for an outstanding journalistic project on the position of rights of women.