Antal van den Bosch appointed Professor of Language, Communication and Computation
As of 1 September 2022, CDH Advisory Board member, prof. Antal van den Bosch, has been appointed Professor of Language, Communication and Computation at the Faculty of Humanities of Utrecht University. Van den Bosch is a pioneer in the field of language technology and artificial intelligence. He works on applications in language and communication sciences and, with teams of researchers and programmers, builds software that has broad practical application.

Van den Bosch: “I see many opportunities for building interdisciplinary bridges within the UU. Both via the theoretical route, because computational models of language are increasingly in line with fundamental research. For example, in subjects such as language variation and literacy, but actually everywhere in the Humanities. With the Centre for Digital Humanities, the UU has given this a form that I am glad to contribute to. But I also see many opportunities through the practical angle: there is a growing social need for good support with tasks such as writing, speaking and reading through language and speech technology tools.”
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