Event details

09:00 - 17:00
Leiden University Johan Huizinga building
Doelensteeg 16, Leiden, 2311 VL

As part of an NWO Open Science project CHECK-NL, Leiden University is organising a codecheck workshop for the Digital Humanities, to be held at LUCDH (Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities) on 14 February 2025.

codecheck is a light-touch, independent peer review to check that your code and data can generate the computational results in your paper or project. Participants need only bring their laptops. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

During this workshop,  you will learn how to codecheck, and see how you can reproduce someone else’s results from a paper or pre-print using openly available data and code. The workshop will also include a talk from Dr. Hans van Eyghen on ‘Reproducibility and Replication in the Humanities’.

This workshop is open to all involved in Digital Humanities willing to participate: you can join to have your code reviewed and/or to be a codechecker.

Visit the LUCDH event page for more information and to register for the workshop.