ATRIUM Project: Researcher survey
Are you a researcher from the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences? The ATRIUM Project needs your participation in their Researcher Survey!
The goal of ATRIUM (Advancing fronTier Research In the arts and hUManities) is to bridge leading research infrastructures in arts and humanities (DARIAH), archaeology (ARIADNE), languages (CLARIN), and open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (OPERAS).
They are conducting a survey to assess the skills needed for the use of research services and tools, namely the ones available in the ATRIUM Catalogue. Some require very specific skills, while some are easier to use. Please participate in this survey and share your training needs!
They will use your valuable feedback to build the ATRIUM Curriculum according to the research community’s needs.
Take the short survey now!
More info can be found on the ATRIUM website.: