New name for Utrecht Data School: Data School

From 1 May 2023 onwards, the Utrecht Data School will have a new name and logo. Utrecht Data School will continue under the name Data School and the logo will be adapted to Utrecht University’s latest style guidelines.
Why ‘Data School’?
Utrecht University’s brand policy stipulates that names of organisational units may no longer contain the term ‘Utrecht’. This would be duplicative, as names are always communicated with the university’s logo, which already includes ‘Utrecht’.
With the new name Data School, the platform remains easily recognisable to its cooperation partners and the network built up over the past ten years.
What does the Data School do again?
The Data School is a teaching and research platform at Utrecht University. Affiliated scholars actively shape the digital society and study how citizenship and democracy are changing through datafication and algorithmisation.
In its activities, the Data School focus on two areas: responsible AI and data practices, and public debates and social media. Within these, the platform works closely with external partners, such as government organisations, public media, companies, and NGOs.
The three fundamental principles of the Data School are:
- We need to be where datafication and algorithmisation manifest themselves;
- Education and research must be connected;
- Our activities lead to applicable solutions.
In line with the Utrecht University brand architecture, the Data School will use its new name and logo on new expressions from 1 May 2023.