As a humanities scholar, are you struggling with your quantitative research design?
Statistical Advisor Kirsten Schutter organizes ‘Quantitative research design meetings’ in March, April and May. These meetings are intended for staff at the Faculty of Humanities who are interested in or are struggling with the quantitative component of their research designs. During this meetings, researchers can present and discuss their ideas.

According to textbooks on research methodology, doing quantitative research is supposed to be a structured process, where you go through several consecutive steps to answer your research question. There is quite a lot of literature about the quantitative research process, research design and research methodology where theory is illustrated using so-called textbook examples. In practice, your situation often doesn’t look like any of those textbook examples, and you might feel a bit lost.
Grow wiser together
The aim of these meetings is to facilitate discussion between junior researchers, experienced researchers, and an expert to gain knowledge from each other and grow wiser together. We can answer questions like: How do I formulate a proper research question; Which variables do I measure and how do I measure them; Do I choose a within or between subjects design; Which statistical model do I use to analyze my data?
Sign up as presenter or participant
Are you interested to present your quantitative research design or to join as participant? Please sign up via Preferably, a presenter does not have a perfect picture of his/her research design yet or got stuck somewhere in the process. There is room for 2 presenters and 14 other participants.
March 23, April 20 and May 25, 2023 from 13:00-14:00 hrs.
The Living Lab Digital Humanities external link, University Library City Centre, Drift 27, Utrecht, room 0.32.