Centre for Digital Humanities

Extra Workshops

From January 2023, the Centre for Digital Humanities offers Extra Workshops in addition to the regular Staff Education Program. This is to ensure that the education program matches the wishes of the staff within the Faculty of Humanities as closely as possible.

Wat we offer

We offer a list of 6 extra workshops for which we have the in-house experts to teach them:

Digital Humanities 101 – An introduction to DH thinking

This 30 to 45 minutes lecture is set up as entry into Digital Humanities (DH) thinking. Professor Hugo Quené will show and discuss how to work with digital data and how to employ digital methods in the humanities. This presentation is intended for everybody interested in working with digital sources and/or digital methods.

Principles & practices of machine learning – A hands-on training for beginners with applications in the humanities

In this one-day course assistant professor Hugo Schnack will give an introduction to what machine learning is, when and how it can be used and what it can do. In practicals you will train, test, and interpret machine learning models yourself on (real) datasets.

Text mining with I-Analyzer

I-Analyzer is an online text and data mining application, developed by the Digital Humanities Lab, that combines online availability and ease of use with flexibility. This 3-hour workshop will give an overview of how you can process text corpora to be used in I-Analyzer, and how to search, filter and visualize results. If you’re interested, it might be possible to add a document collection of your choice in I-Analyzer.

Yoda for Humanities

Yoda is the default storage infrastructure for research data in the Humanities faculty at Utrecht University. This 1,5-hour workshop will provide a hands-on introduction to Yoda, and will help you navigate the data related choices you encounter during the different phases of your research.

Georeferencing old maps: Practices and uses for research and education

The famous ‘Atlas Maior’ by the Amsterdam firm of Blaeu has recently been georeferenced by the University Library. What is georeferencing and what is the scientific value of georeferenced maps for especially research and education? This joint UB and CDH workshop of 3 hours will show and teach you how to georeference digitized maps and how you can (re-)use them in your own work.

R for Humanities

R is a powerful scripting language for data handling, data visualization, and statistics. This one-day workshop specifically targets researchers working within the Humanities and aims to give you the tools to start exploring R and all it has to offer by yourself. We focus on learning the basics of R and applying your new found R knowledge and skills to datasets. At the end of the course you will be able to: (1) read and write lines of R code (even if you do not understand all functions, you know how to look them up); and (2) use RStudio, and use it to write an R script and an R markdown document.

This is how we work: if there are four participants or more, we will send a joint date picker to the participants. In the registration form below you can indicate which month and day of the week suits you best. We cannot guarantee anything, but we will do our best to find a date that works for everyone. We also ask you to indicate your level with regard to the chosen workshop so that we can adapt the workshop to the general level of the participants. Would you like to follow one or more of the extra workshops we offer? Please fill out this form:

Extra workshops – CDH Staff Education Program
Which CDH workshop would you like to follow? (Multiple options are possible.)
What is your level with regard to digital humanities?
What is your level with regard to machine learning?
What is your level with regard to working with text corpora and I-Analyzer
What is your level with regard to Yoda?
What is your level with regard to georeferencing?
What is your level with regard to R?

Do you have a short or very specific question about a digital humanities topic? Do you need one-on-one coaching? Then we would like to refer you to the weekly Digital Humanities Walk-in Hours. We can then individually look at your dataset or code.