Centre for Digital Humanities

Centre for Digital Humanities

Now online: Database with Dutch dialect idioms

The Digital Humanities Lab relaunches the ‘Dutch Dialect Idioms’ database, developed by linguists from Utrecht University and KU Leuven. This is a renewed version of an online database of idioms in 13 Dutch dialects. Idioms are special, linguistically speaking, because they have a meaning that does not follow from their parts: when someone ‘kicked the…

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Stageplaats aangeboden bij het Centre for Digital Humanities: eventorganisatie Digital Humanities Day

Het Centre for Digital Humanities zoekt een enthousiaste stagiaire om twee events in het najaar 2023 te organiseren. Zoek jij een uitdagende stage met veel verantwoordelijkheid en de mogelijkheid om jezelf te ontwikkelen? Lees dan verder. Binnen de geesteswetenschappen wordt steeds meer gebruik gemaakt van gedigitaliseerde data en tools om deze data te bewerken en…

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New: Introductory lecture Automatic Speech Recognition

Wat are the (im)possibilities of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)? How does ASR work, what are the current speech recognizers and what will (hopefully) change in the coming months? Sign up for the hybrid introductory lecture by researcher Language and Speech Technology Arjan van Hessen on Thursday 16 March from 10:00 to 12:00 hrs. Automatic Speech Recognition –…

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CDH Interview: How did we perceive animals and plants in the Netherlands over the past centuries? Language model GysBERT assists with mapping it out

How did a sixteenth-century Dutch inhabitant experience the animals and plants around him? And how did that change in the centuries that followed? When did the rabbit change from food into pet and the horse from means of transportation into pleasure animal? Literary texts, scientific texts and folk tales, in particular, offer a unique glimpse…

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Questions about data, Python, R or any other aspects of digital humanities? Visit the Digital Humanities Walk-in Hours

Do you have a question about data, Python, or R? Or are you just finding your way in the field of digital humanities and need some guidance? All humanities staff and students are welcome to visit our weekly Digital Humanities Walk-in Hours on Thursdays from 14:00 to 15:00 hrs. Looking for a suitable digital tool to…

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CDH staff education program spring 2023 – New: workshops on demand

We are proud to present the new Staff Education Program of the Centre for Digital Humanities for January to June 2023. We again offer a diverse program with lectures and hands-on workshops in the field of digital humanities. In addition to the regular program, we now also offer Extra Workshops and Tailor-made Workshops on request. This is to ensure that the…

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